“O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?” Romans 7:24
Introduction. When man was created, he was created in the exact likeliness of God: Spirit, Soul and Body. The spirit is who He is. Soul, no one can see. No one can see the soul of God. We can feel the Spirit. and we can see the Body. The body of God was made manifest in Christ.
Of importance today is the body: the messenger and in particular the soul: the decision maker. Every act of man originates from the Soul, the body only carries it out.
1. The True Nature of Man
Body became death trap since the fall in the Garden of Eden.Since then men became fallible.
You may wonder why is that I’ve been saved why do still think, say or do bad things?
Answer: Your body was not saved but your soul and satan still occasional influence on your soul.
You are not alone:
1. Adam and Eve were made perfect in holiness until they yielded to satan through the body (lust of the eyes)
2. Abraham was a friend of God but that didn’t stop him from lying.
3. David was a man after God’s heart. That didn’t stop him from adultery, and murder.
4. Moses was adjudged a highly consecrated man yet he used his tongue wrongly.
5. Isaiah was a revered God’s prophet, but his tongue was full of guile.
6. Peter walked with God, dined with God incarnate for more than 3 years. But thrice he denied God. He backslide into his old habits and vocation.
7. Paul was an apostle of Jesus, yet when he would do good, evil present with him.
2. The Two Gospel Truths
You tell a sinner it is impossible for him to repent without the help of the Holy Spirit, yet you tell him it his duty to believe and repent.
The Doctrine of Human Responsibility
The Doctrine of Human Inability
They are 2 gospel truths
they are 2 gospel friends.
They may appear to be in conflict. Live them alone, they are friends. Friends do not need reconciliation.
How do you reconcile this?
O I know it is my duty to be perfect but I know it impossible for me to be perfect.
O I fall into error of sin, I know it is my nature-inherited from Adam.
The most terrible thing is to deny either of these truths: You accept the that your human inability to be free from sin yet you deny your obligation to stop sinning and be sinless.
You deny human inability and resort into self-help, struggling with sin. Some may end up committing suicide through this. By flesh shall no man prevail.
Unfortunately the Armenian and the Hyper-Calvinist fall into this error.
Who shall deliver me from this body of death.
It is a terrible thing to be a Christian. I assure you it is. It is one of the hardest things in the world to be a Child of God. In fact, it is impossible unless makes us His Children and keeps us so. – Charles H. Spurgeon (in The Fainting Warrior)
You may think if this the way Christianity is, I don’t think I can do this. Wait a minute! Hold a sec! You think this will be forever, you think this will be a perpetual experience. No! No!….to the last point
3. The True Conqueror At Last.
Romans 7:24; 8:37
Rejoice because the moment shall come when the christian shall be free from sin and temptation to sin will be quenched by the holiness within. He shall soon stand before His Father’s throne and in white raiment sparkling clean. And while he’s still in this world he’s cleansed by the blood of the lamb and he conquers his archenemy by the word of his testimony of salvation. I am redeemed. Devil you can no longer have me. Sin and flesh you are no longer my master.
But I pity some people here today: Who are these people? They are ones who feel no such despair. They are feel no guilt within. They say, that’s your problem you SU/Christians. You may feel no pain. The dead man feel no blow. You may be enjoying a false peace. But it wont last I can assure you. You say, you have all you desire without even praying like the christians. that’s okay. Enjoy while it last.
The Christian is in constant biting and barking of satan.
You can only conquer by:Blood of Jesus
Word of Your Testimony
Consciousness of Your Status at all times. That you are the Sons and Daughters of the Most High God and you are not answerable to Satan and his agents